Quick Start
- Download the plugin package from your 7th Circle Designs account
- Log in to your WordPress dashboard
- Navigate to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin
- Click “Choose File” and select the downloaded zip file
- Click “Install Now”
- After installation completes, click “Activate Plugin”
License Activation
- Go to FAQs > License in your WordPress dashboard
- Enter your license key (found in your 7th Circle Designs account)
- Click “Activate License”
- Look for the green success message confirming activation
Initial Setup
Creating Your First FAQ
- In your WordPress dashboard, go to FAQs > Add New
- Enter the question in the title field
- Type the answer in the main content area
- Click “Publish” to save
Setting Up Categories (Optional)
- Navigate to FAQs > Categories
- Click “Add New Category”
- Enter the category name and description
- Click “Add New Category”
- Assign FAQs to categories when creating or editing them
Customizing Appearance
- Go to FAQs > Settings
- Adjust the following settings as needed:
- Background Color
- Text Color
- Border Color
- Border Radius
- Hover Color
- Active Color
- Click “Save Changes” to apply your customizations
Adding FAQs to Your Pages
Using the Shortcode
Basic usage:
With options:
[display_faqs style="accordion" category="support"]
Available style options:
- accordion (default)
- boxed
- list
- image
Common Issues
Plugin Won’t Activate
- Verify WordPress version is 6.0 or higher
- Check PHP version is 8.0 or higher
- Ensure you have proper permissions
License Key Not Working
- Confirm you’re using the correct key
- Check if the key has reached its site limit
- Verify your internet connection
Styling Not Applying
- Clear your browser cache
- Check for conflicts with your theme
- Ensure JavaScript is enabled
Getting Help
If you encounter any issues:
- Check our documentation at:
https://www.7thcircledesigns.com/software/documentation/faq/ - Contact support through:
Please include the following when requesting support:
- WordPress version
- Theme name
- List of active plugins
- Description of the issue
- Screenshots if applicable
If you need to remove the plugin:
- Deactivate the plugin first
- Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins
- Click “Delete” under FAQ Manager
- Confirm deletion
Note: This will remove all plugin files and settings. FAQ content will remain in your database.
The plugin will notify you of updates through the WordPress dashboard. To update:
- Go to Dashboard > Updates
- Check for available updates
- Select FAQ Manager
- Click “Update Plugin”
Always backup your site before updating plugins.