Building your photo business: WordPress Blogs

Eric Leuthardt Photography and 7th Circle Designs present Building your photo business: WordPress Blogs.

7th Circle Designs WordPress Cumulus image

Have you ever wanted to share you photos on the web but just weren’t sure how to go about doing it? Join us for another Photography 101 course, this one on creating your own presence on the web with a WordPress blog.

Face it, whether you are taking pictures that you wish to show to your own family, or show to other photographers, or perhaps to even show to prospective clients, you need some way to easily showcase these images on the web. This workshop will walk you through the steps of creating a basic WordPress blog for you to post images to, tell the world about your photography, share images with family & friends, provide a way for you to promote your photography and much, much, more! This class will teach you how to set up a WordPress blog and get started posting to share your photography with anyone!

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