WooCommerce 9.3.3: Dot Release

WooCommerce 9.3.3 is has been released.

This release includes two fixes which affect CSV imports, and shipping address validation.

Current Stable Tag

WooCommerce 9.3.3

Whatโ€™s in this release

Restoring the Product CSV Importerโ€™s default batch size

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Returns CSV imports to 30 lines per batch (#51631)

This fix addresses an issue where the default number of lines imported per batch in the WooCommerce Product CSV Importer was reduced, causing slower import times for large datasets. The change restores the previous default of 30 lines per batch, which is much faster in most cases.

โ€ข The changes can be tested by importing a CSV file with at least 60 products and observing the network requests and import counts.

Fixing shipping address validation for virtual orders

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Check if the order needs shipping before validating shipping address (#51630)

We have fixed a bug that prevented customers from placing orders for virtual products on sites using the Additional Checkout Fields API. Previously, the validation did not consider virtual products that do not require shipping, causing issues for customers with virtual items in their cart and a required additional checkout field left blank.

Reposted from WooCommerce

If you have a care plan with 7th Circle Designs this update will be taken care of based on your plan’s schedule. If you do not have a care plan, sign up now.