WooCommerce 9.2.3: Dot Release

WooCommerce 9.2.3 has been released

We are releasing a PR (#50892), which fixes missing translations in the Cart and Checkout block

Current Stable Tag

WooCommerce 9.2.3

Whatโ€™s in this release

As part of the 9.2 release, we included aย commitย which significantly reduced the bundle size of the Cart and Checkout blocks by moving large parts of the code to a shared file.

The unintended side effect of that resulted in some parts of the checkout experience having missing translations, which were not caught by E2E testing. In the 9.2.3 release, we are including PR #50892, which fixes this issues by ensuring that translations are properly loaded when the newly moved files are enqueued.

We will follow up with additional E2E test to ensure this doesnโ€™t happen in the future in a future release.

Reposted from WooCommerce

If you have a care plan with 7th Circle Designs this update will be taken care of based on your plan’s schedule. If you do not have a care plan, sign up now.