WooCommerce 9.1: Coming soon, product lookup optimizations, and checkout styling galore

WooCommerce 9.1 has been released on July 11, 2024. This post highlights what’s new in this version of WooCommerce.

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Other important information:

Latest Release:

👉 WooCommerce 9.1.0


  • ✅ Backwards compatible
  • Commits: 364
  • Contributors: 74

Whats coming in 9.1

Coming soon mode can officially be enabled

Add – Launch your store feature flag. #48244

Coming soon…to a store launch near you: Everyone loves a little bit of anticipation, whether it is getting excited about a new store launch, or shiny new products page, stores will have an added tool in their arsenal with coming soon mode.

The Coming soon mode is controlled by a new tab in WooCommerce settings where users canrestrict the feature to store pages only as well as enable sharing the pages with a private link. Users can edit the Coming Soon page using the Block Editor. Head to Appearance > Editor > Templates > Page: “Coming soon” to edit a coming soon page.

Product lookup tables can be optimized

Add – An optional optimized alternative way of filling/updating the table. #47700
Add – A new set of CLI tools to manage the table regeneration/updates. #47311

Optimization in Product Lookup: A few years ago, we welcomed product lookup tables for more performant opportunities when dealing with product search and organization. To navigate the complexity of some products, we have improved upon this feature by introducing an optional optimized way of filling/updating the table, as well new CLI tools to manage updates. Checkout @konamiman ‘s post on the improvements.

Helpful styling updates added to checkout blocks

Update – Block based checkout input styling updates. #46362
Update – Spacing improvements to checkout block. #47565
Update – Display return to cart link on mobile devices. #48103

Checkout Blocks Usability Improvements: Checkout blocks are constantly improving, with small changes making a world of difference. In 9.1 we will see the return to cart link staying visible in mobile, even in a zoomed in state, style updates for the checkout input fields, and spacing improvements for usability in both desktop and mobile.Take a peek at some of the styling changes in the checkout blocks!

Shop accounts have enhanced accessibility

Fix – Accessibility enhancement for the whole shop accounts section. #47144

Accessibility Enhancements for Shop Accounts: The entire shop accounts section is receiving an accessibility enhancement, resolving a number of issues submitted by Amber Hinds of Equalize Digital. The updates include alerts and error messages from the login page, registration form, and forget password, address, and account details.

More feature updates

Variable product inline actions are now available: In 9.1 it is now possible to edit some Product Variation properties directly from the variations table using inline actions. Actions like changing the variation imagestock management, and pricing changes will all be managed through the variations table.

Detailed information about Cart/Checkout types are visible in the system report tool: The 9.1 enhancement allows for visually seeing what types of Cart/Checkout are being used, informs the merchant if the Cart/Checkout page’s content is being overridden by custom template content, and presents a warning when both Cart/Checkout versions are being included.

API Updates

  • REST API: Updates schema for rate_id property (#47779)
  • Fix: Permissions check for customer downloads REST API (#47854)
  • No longer updates the last_access field unnecessarily (#47912)
  • REST API: Check if stock adjustments when updating order line items (#47784)
  • Conditionally allow stock_quantity to be non-integer in REST API product schema (#48541)

Other important information

This release contains important security updates

📆 Two low-severity fixes are being released in 9.1

A non-severe security fix has been implemented in 9.1. This change reduces the potential for the wrong order data to be fetched within a multisite network, where 2 or more sites within the network are all using WooCommerce. Specifically, it reduces the potential for the wc_get_customer_last_order() function to inadvertently return an order that belongs to a different user. You can view the PR here.

Additionally, a text area sanitization has been included to avoid a possible html injection.

Database updates

📀 Add – Enable store feature flag is re-added to the DB. #48244

Re-enables the Launch Your Store feature flag after it’s late exclusion from the 9.0 release in #48231

Reposted from WooCommerce

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