WooCommerce 8.9: New Product Editor, more customizable than ever

WooCommerce 8.9 Has been released on May 14, 2024. This post highlights what’s new in this version of WooCommerce

See our update guide.
Download directly from WordPress.org.

Other important information:

Latest Release:

👉 WooCommerce 8.9


  • ✅ Backwards compatible
  • Commits: 407
  • Contributors: 83

Final Release — May 14, 2024

Whats new in WooCommerce 8.9

Introducing Custom Fields in the New Product Editor

Custom Fields UI

You can now add Custom Product Fields to products via the New Product Editor. This feature allows you to manage custom fields via a new section located at the bottom of the Organization tab.

Here’s how it works:

  • Enable the Show custom fields toggle to view an empty state or a table listing existing fields.
  • Use the Add new button to create new custom fields. You can add one or multiple fields at once.
  • Edit a field by clicking the Edit button on the table row.
  • Remove a specific field by clicking the X button on the right of the table row.
  • Remember to save the product to persist all these fields.

Please note that this feature is still a work in progress. Currently, it’s not possible to see or select a custom field name created for a different product from the Add custom fields or Edit modal forms.

Cart and Checkout Blocks get leaner, and a little something extra

Add vendor bundling of blocks frontend bundle to improve cart/checkout performance #45859

We found some opportunities to improve how we bundle and build JavaScript for the Cart and Checkout blocks. This allows for significantly smaller payloads on those blocks. The cart block sees an 11% saving in payload size and the checkout a 17.9% saving!

In addition to a leaner, we have also marked the the Additional Checkout Fields feature as stable in this release. This feature was previously released on 8.7 as experimental.

Order Attribution column now part of Order Analytics

Display “Origin” column in Orders table in Orders Analytics #46424
Change “Origin” column name to “Attribution” in Orders Analytics #46760

Attribution column in Order Analytics

The order attribution tracking feature is now part of Order Analytics under the “Attribution” column, allowing store owners and managers to better understand the origin of each of their orders

Navigate to WooCommerce Analytics > Orders page to see the new “Attribution” column in the table. Additionally, the exported data in the CSV file via the “Download” button will also have the new “Attribution” column.

Compliant with native display of co-branded credit cards

Add – Adding support for co-branded credit cards #45903

We added support for natively displaying co-branded credit cards, and allowing customers to choose between them, in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2015/751.

When displaying a co-branded credit card, we will now show all the available networks (brands) and the preferred ones. When paying, we will use the preferred brand instead of the default (this will be handled on the Stripe plugin’s side).

API Changes

  • Add: Adds an endpoint to the API Rest that allows duplicating a product and saving it as a draft. It’s also possible to update the product when extra parameters are sent. #46141
  • Fix: Updates the REST API v3 reports/orders/totals endpoint to be compatible with HPOS #46715
  • Fix: Fixes an error related to the duplicate product REST API endpoint #46551
  • Fix: Ensure that required missing fields will get validated in Store API #45840

Other important information

Database updates

📀 Update when PayPal Standard is loaded to further reduce new store using this legacy payment method #47205

This change disables the legacy PayPal Standard gateway for stores that aren’t using it. This reduces the number of stores connecting to PayPal Standard (which was deprecated in WC 5.5) and encourage stores to use the latest PayPal Payments extension.

Due to this change, the following filter will no longer work as of WooCommerce 8.9:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_should_load_paypal_standard', '__return_true' );

📀 Fix Woo.com reference in the Inbox during onboarding #46600

This change fixes a Woo.com reference in the Inbox during onboarding so that the domain name is changed to the updated WooCommerce.com.

Get WooCommerce 8.9

👉 To upgrade: See our update guide or download the latest release from WordPress.org.

🐞 Found a Bug? Please submit a report it on GitHub.

Reposted from WooCommerce

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