WooCommerce 7.8 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of WooCommerce 7.8.0. This release should be backwards compatible with the previous version.

This release contains:

As always, we recommend creating a backup of your site and making sure that your theme and any other plugins are compatible before updating. You can check out this update guide for more information.

Upcoming PHP Requirement Change

This release continues to support PHP version 7.3. We recently announced our plan to end support for PHP 7.3, beginning with the release of WooCommerce 8.2.0, scheduled for release in October of 2023. Read our announcement post for full details.

Whatโ€™s new in 7.8.0?

Theme-level Global styles for Cart and Checkout blocks

If youโ€™re using a block based theme on your store that supports global styles, you can now use these to apply design changes to your Cart and Checkout.

Head over to the site editor (Appearance > Editor), use the navigation menu to navigate to the Cart or Checkout page on your store and click the page โ€” you can then toggle open the styles sidebar:

Any changes made to the Typography and Colors sections will now be respected by the Cart and Checkout Blocks:

Other global styles, such as buttons, are also respected by the cart and checkout blocks now also, for example the checkout place order button:

Filter by Attribute product counter revamped

Long awaited improvement of the product counter in the Filter by Attribute block. Since 10.1.0 Filter by Attribute dynamically shows the product counts that are currently displayed based on the whole set of filters on a page.

You can check out the video below to see the newย Filter by Attributeย counters in action along withย Productsย blocks:

New patterns

We prepared multiple patterns that are available in this release. Hereโ€™s a preview of a couple of them:

Featured products 2 columns
Hero product 3 split
Featured Category Cover Image
Featured Category Triple

But thereโ€™s more! The full list can be found in the Changelog.

Products block improvements

We have now added theย Pick Some Productsย advance filter to Products block. This filter allows the merchant to narrow down the exact products to which all subsequent filters will be applied, mirroring the functionality of the existing โ€œHand-picked Productsโ€ plus all the other functionalities available from the โ€œProducts (Beta)โ€ block. Here is a quick demo:

Also, We have added consistent spacing between product elements within the Products block to provide an improved default user interface.

Mini Cart performance improvement

The Mini Cart drawer will now open instantly. Previously, there may have been a slight delay if the shopper clicked the button immediately after the page loaded and the network was slow

Developer Notes

The Cart Fragments script, responsible for updating the cart widget after a successful add to cart event, can cause a performance issue on stores not making use of that functionality. To mitigate this, the script will now only be enqueued if using the Mini Cart widget.

Stores with similar functionality (e.g. from a theme) that are not using the widget can re-enable this functionality by either adding the widget to one of their widget areas/sidebars, or by enqueuing the script manually:

wp_enqueue_script( 'wc-cart-fragments' );

If youโ€™re looking for an alternative to the Mini Cart widget that does not suffer from the performance issue, try the Mini Cart Block instead.

Actions and Filters

This release adds 1 new action and 2 new filters.


woocommerce_remove_order_itemsTrigger action before removing all order line items. Allows you to track order items. [source]


woocommerce_product_add_to_cart_aria_describedbyFilter the aria-describedby description for the add to cart button. [source]
woocommerce_suggest_jetpackWhen false, Jetpack is removed from the list of suggested extensions. [source]

Database Changes

This release has no database changes.

Template Changes

This release updates 13 templates

Template FileGitHub Links
/templates/cart/cart.php#36868 #37830

Reposted from WooCommerce

If you have a care plan with 7th Circle Designs this update will be taken care of based on your plan’s schedule. If you do not have a care plan, sign up now.