WooCommerce 4.4.1 Fix Release

This release fixes a few bugs that were introduced with 4.4.0, including compatibility with other plugins. We highly recommend upgrading to this version.

This fix release include:

  1. Removing PHP Leagueโ€™s dependency injection container for now. This was causing conflicts with other plugins that are using different versions of this dependency. We will add this back in a future release in a non-conflicting manner.
  2. Additional checks around a WC Query method to make sure that we return early if those methods not intended to run. This was causing a fatal with error wc_get_loop_prop method not found.
  3. Additional checks around checkout locale field rendering to make sure PayPal Checkout Plugin buttons render correctly.

Here is the changelog for this release:

* Fix - Add protection to run adjust methods only if product query. #27396
* Dev - Stripped the internals of the DI Container to address plugin dependency conflicts it caused. #27395
* Fix - Add more protection for field locale property incase it's not defined. #27405

Thanks to everyone for reporting these issues promptly and helping out with the fix release.

Download the latest release of WooCommerce here or visit Dashboard โ†’ Updates to update the plugin from your WordPress admin screen.

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