WooCommerce 3.5.6 Fix Release

WooCommerce 3.5.6 is now available. The main change is to the way structured data is generated on product archives.

Google recently updated their handling of structured data to throw errors if certain things (like offers or reviews) were missing. The guidelines state that archives that link out to single pages should not be marked up with structured data, so to mitigate those warnings we’ve removed the markup from archives, and improved/added to the markup on single pages.

~19 commits made it into this release and the full changelog is below.

* Fix - Removes invalid product structured data from archives, and include more data on single product pages. #22925
        Product structured data should only be generated for visible data, and not on archives when there are single
        product pages available, as per the documentation.
        Since this change removes structured data from archives, the filters `woocommerce_structured_data_product_limit`
        and `woocommerce_structured_data_product_limited` have also been removed.
        To customize product structured data, for example adding custom fields or include on archives, see this article:
* Fix - Fix last item in breadcrumb structured data, and include on shop page. #22925
* Fix - Get insert ID before running actions in `_insert_tax_rate`. #22868
* Fix - Add precision to tax in the discount class so min spend checks work correctly. #22888
* Fix - Update troubleshooting link in failed order email. #22943
* Fix - Update Flexslider to 2.7.2.
* Fix - Fill user's account first name and last name only when those fields are empty. #22783

Download the latest release of WooCommerce here or venture over to Dashboard → Updates to update your plugins from WordPress.

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