Developer Advisory: Minimum version requirements on Woo developed extensions

To ensure the continued security, performance, and scalability of the WooCommerce ecosystem, we are implementing stricter version requirements for certain extensions. This move is part of our ongoing efforts to modernize the WooCommerce codebase and align with the latest standards in web development.

The details

We are requiring that users of the following extensions have at least the minimum versions of PHP >= 7.4WooCommerce >= 8.2, and WordPress >= 6.2 to maintain compatibility. The following major versions of each of these extensions will be released on July 30th, 2024

These requirements are necessary due to advances in technology and security practices, as well as the removal of outdated code that was previously used to support legacy versions of PHP, WooCommerce, and WordPress.

How can I tell if this affects me?

If you are using any of the extensions listed above, this advisory directly impacts you. 

Before updating to the major versions of these extensions listed above, you must ensure that you meet the minimum requirements.

To check if your setup meets the new requirements, compare the versions of PHP, WooCommerce, and WordPress you are currently using against the minimum versions specified:

  • PHP version >= 7.4ย 
  • WooCommerce version >= 8.2
  • WordPress >= 6.2

If you have already updated to one of the major versions for the extensions listed above, a notice in WordPress Plugins dashboard will appear if there is a version mismatch

What action should I take?

If you currently have one of the 9 extensions listed above installed in a store, please ensure you meet the following minimum requirements to prevent any disruption in the functionality of those extensions. This means ensuring that your hosting environment supports the required PHP version and that both WooCommerce and WordPress are updated to their latest compatible versions.

  • PHP version >= 7.4ย 
  • WooCommerce version >= 8.2
  • WordPress >= 6.2

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